Big Give Christmas Challenge - You Did It!

We are thrilled to confirm our Big Give Christmas Challenge target has been reached, thanks to YOU, our wonderful supporters! Through your collective kindness and generosity, we received £4,088 of donations between 29th November and 6th December, the first £4,000 of which was matched.

These funds will support 2,000 children through the Kenyan Porridge Clubs programme for three whole months.

This scheme ensures a child receives a nutritious mug of porridge at school so they don't have to work, scavenge or beg for food. What's more, that mug of porridge helps them to learn better which improves their academic opportunities. Plus regular school attendance helps children develop skills like relationship building, creativity and teamwork that all contribute to long-term prosperity.

We are beyond grateful to everyone who took time to donate or share our social posts. Thank you doesn't even come close, but it’s the best we have!