African Children's Fund

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Congratulations Bobby!

We'd love you to meet one of our newest and youngest fundraisers. This is the fabulous Bobby!

Bobby would like to raise as much money as he can to help children receive breakfast. Bobby has Autism and development delays however he is passionate about helping children in Africa and wants to use his mobility Go-Kart to take on a very special challenge in the hope that people will sponsor him!

His challenge: to ride 5 miles on his adapted mobility Go-Kart.

Bobby doesn't understand the full impact and sheer volume of children he's helping but he's very excited that he can make a difference and he has already raised a phenomenal £200, sailing through his original £100 target and enough for 2,222 mugs of porridge.

He has also asked his mum to write to Santa this year asking for his help to deliver the porridge!

So we're sending a huge THANK YOU to Bobby for his generous support and his fabulous determination. If you'd like to thank him too, you can do so on his fundraising page.

(Shared with permission)