Monday Motivation from Isaac and Luca!

Let's start the week with a little #MondayMotivation from two of our youngest fundraisers, 8-year-old Isaac and 6-year-old Luca. Regular readers may remember that the boys were planning a 5-mile sponsored walk to their grandparents' house during October half term, and they were hoping to raise £100 to help children go to school in Africa.

As you can see, the boys - and their mum and dad - picked a beautiful autumnal day and as well as exceeding their walk target (7.5 miles instead of the planned 5), they also raised a phenomenal £350. That's enough for 5,000 mugs of porridge and will help 22 children like them go to school for a whole year. What a wonderful achievement! Thank you so very much, boys.

There's still time to sponsor them of course. You can visit their page here to donate.

If your youngsters would also be interested in doing something similar - either with their parents like Isaac and Luca - or through schools, Scouts, Brownies or other youth groups, please let us know!