Spring Clothing Needed

Our Oxfordshire charity shops in Faringdon, Grove and Witney will need donations of spring clothing when we are able to reopen our doors. Men’s, women’s and children’s clothes will all be gratefully received in all three of our shops.

Last year’s March-June lockdown meant we didn’t receive our normal clothing donations during that time so as you start to swap winter clothes for spring in the next few weeks (we’re optimistic!), please think of us and keep items you no longer require aside for when our shops reopen, if you have space and are able.

A small stack of baord games and puzzles, underneath the bottom branches of a Christmas tree with gold baubles

Furthermore, January is normally a key time for our shops to receive your lovely donations as Christmas presents are given new homes and their older counterparts come through to us. We always sell a lot of toys, games and puzzles in December which are then replenished in early January.

Of course, this hasn’t happened this year so we would still love to receive your pre-loved toys, games and puzzles whenever restrictions allow!

Thank you in advance for your generosity.