Welcome Kiama Primary School!

We are very pleased to welcome Kiama Primary School to the Kenyan Porridge Club family!

We are thrilled that our Kenyan partner, Watoto Kwanza, yesterday introduced the first ever Porridge Club at Kiama Primary School on the outskirts of Thika. Thanks to grants received during 2021 and your generosity, we have been able to expand our Porridge Clubs programme, safe in the knowledge we can support this additional school for the long term.

This means 370 pupils at the school will enjoy a daily mug of porridge helping them to learn more effectively AND increasing school attendance as they will not need to work, scavenge or beg to find food.

The word Watoto Kwanza used to describe yesterday: joy!

If you would like to help spread the joy even further, you can of course make a contribution to our Kenyan Porridge Clubs. Thank you for your continued support and kindness.

Tamsyn Wymer